Friday 9 March 2012

How To Improve Your Photography WebAnswers

This is a subject that I am very passionate about. I love digital photography and it is very easy to improve your photography skills.

Taking a picture is one of the best things in the world. Capturing that one shot that will be frozen in time forever, a memory in a million pixels.

If you are totally new and just starting out there are a few things that you should know:

  • You do not have to own thousands of pounds worth of gear to get good photographs. A good beginner to medium advanced camera will do. I prefer Canon but there are other makes such as Nikon and others out there. 
  • Lenses do not need to be the very best out there, unless you have thousands of pounds put aside that you want to blow. Some lenses can cost as much as a new car and most photographers do not need such advanced costly lenses to get good results. 
  • You do not need to pay for programs such as Photoshop that is fairly costly. You can get just as good free software programs that will do pretty much the same as what Photoshop will do. You should get some software with your camera anyway, but another great one that I use a lot is Gimp. 
There are many other tips and tricks for upping your game where your photographs are concerned. Even a good photographer can always learn a new thing or two! Follow the link to find out more useful tips of mine to get your photographs up to excellent standards and maybe earn a bit of money along the way. 

Sunday 4 March 2012

WebAnswers Tips

There are a few tips to help you get started and keep earning money on WebAnswers. A lot of people assume that you only earn money from your awarded answers. Now, while you and you alone (with your share split 60/40 with WebAnswers) will earn money off your awarded answers, this is not the only way to earn money here.

A lot of your money will come from all questions that you answer that are not awarded to anyone. The money is split with all the people that answer the question. Also when you see a questions like this example off WebAnswers below:

The top question more often than not is from a bot. You can tell this because under the question in blue there are no other words, unlike on the one below where more about the initial question is written. Bots will obviously never award an answer however, you can still earn off these bot questions. A tip here is if you see a bot question with no answer, write a good quality one and your answer will be like having an award for the question for yourself and no one else - until such a time when someone else writes in their answer then you earn off the question together. 

Below are some general tips for earning more money on WebAnswers: 

Your Quality. 

If you think that you can join the site and give a lot of one word, one sentence answers and reel in the dosh then you will be very disappointed. Your quality score means a lot on this site. Learn more about your quality score here >> WebAnswers Quality Score. So how do you keep your quality score high? Read on..

  •  Write good quality answers. Do not just give a random answer with no substance in it - an example below:
[Question. Why is water good for you? 

Bad answer: just because it is you need it drink it everyday! 

Good answer: (here you could write why a person needs water everyday. How much water you need per day. What are the health benefits of drinking water. How to make water taste nicer in a healthy way if you do not like plain water) This reply would be a much more detailed one, would most probably have a few keywords in it and would rate higher and count towards your all important score. 

Good Spelling. 

  • This is another really important thing to get right on WebAnswers. Many people may think that spelling means nothing and will not matter, wrong. A good quality answer includes the correct spelling and grammar. If you know that you are not the best at spelling and grammar then write your answer in a word document and use spell check, or use a browser with this including as you are writing your answer in the box. 
Also, do not write your whole answer in one huge block of writing. Not only is this hard to read it puts a lot of people off even attempting to read it. Use paragraphs and if need be use bullet points or such like to keep key points separate. 

Choose Your Questions Well. 

  • You can answer any questions that you feel like on WebAnswers however, knowing which questions will get you views and clicks is something that you should learn if you are doing this for money. A question on a rare painting or such like is not going to get as many views as something like wedding tips, how to make money, product questions or health and beauty ones. These will often have higher paying adverts from Google along with them so all the better. 

For a few final tips for this post I would say the following: 

  • Keep active everyday. Even if you have only twenty minutes, then answer even five good quality questions in with that time. If you do not keep active, more so when you are new then your earnings could drop. 
  • Answer questions that you know something about. Not only will you give a much better answer if you know what you are talking about, you will be more likely to write more and get your answer awarded. Also, try not to answer any dangerous questions if you know nothing about the subject, an example of this would be trying to answer - How do I rewire my kitchen lights. If you know nothing about this subject then guessing or just writing anything could be dangerous if the person asking really follows your advice. 
  • Make your answer stand out. On some questions there will be more than yourself answering the question so making your answer stand out is a good idea. Sometimes using a little humour is a good idea. And again spacing out your answer if you are using key points will set your answer out from most of the others that will just be in blocks of paragraphs.
  • Using Google AdSense channels to analyse which categories are bringing in the most money will help you concentrate on those ones the most. 
  • Getting referrals is another way of bringing in a little extra. Once you have your referral link - and you can link this to any page on WebAnswers, then you can start putting that link around. Using Twitter, Facebook and other social networking sites is a good idea. If you have a blog promoting your link on there may be an option. Emails to your friends and family you could let them in on the secret of making money from home answering fun questions. On forums where links are allowed in your signature is also a way of gaining referrals. 
  • Back linking. This is when you put a link to one of your awarded answers on another site for someone to click on it leading them your awarded answer. This is highly recommendedmentioned above for gaining referrals and you should up your views to your answers and bring in more money. 
  • Do not use any affiliate link, link to your blog or articles, anything to do with yourself. Also it may be best not to include any links, some say they are OK, some say they are not liked due to taking traffic away from the site for those just landing on a question and being sent elsewhere. Better to be safe than sorry if you ask me and just not do it at all. 

If you are new to WebAnswers do not sign up and leave after 60 questions because you have not earned anything. It takes time, although if you post good answers you should start to see your AdSense going up quickly I did - once you have linked the accounts of course. 

If you are unsure of anything ask a question on there, everybody is very helpful and friendly. You also do earn from the questions that you ask providing that you do not awarded them to anyone, however, this is not the best way to earn money from WebAnswers as you are denying others the chance to have their questions awarded. You will earn more by answering questions. 

Thursday 1 March 2012

WebAnswers. Home Made Desserts

Do you like to cook and make yummy desserts from home? Are you a natural in the kitchen or a walking disaster? Do you like to make your own food and not eat processed meals that are not good for you?

I love home cooking and have many favorite recipes that I use all the time. There is just nothing like the taste of something that you have cooked yourself, plus you know exactly what you are putting into it.

If you want to know two of my favorite desserts to make then click the link and tell me if you like them as well. If you have a great one tell me, I'm hungry already!

Find answers here: Home Made Desserts WebAnswers