Monday 27 February 2012

What Movie Did Whitney Houston Make Her Acting Debut?

The great and late Whitney Houston has made her mark on the world in many ways. Changed the lives of so many and has and will continue to inspire so many people to live out their dreams. Her dream was being something special, to sing, to act and to love God. She did all perfectly.

Whitney Houston's first major film role was in the film 'The Bodyguard' starring with her leading man of Kevin Costner. They had been friends for many years before and at her funeral Kevin gave a beautiful speech and let the world in on a little of that Whitney magic. Gave away a few their little stories and secrets and showed us all what we already knew...... that Whitney will continue to live on and was one of the all time greats.

Want to know what Kevin Costner said about Whitney Houston at her funeral? Read on and find out a funny fact about Whitney when she auditioned for 'The Bodyguard'

LinkWhat Movie Did Whitney Houston Make Her First Acting Debut?

Monday 20 February 2012

What Makes You Great At Karaoke. WebAnswers

This is a really fun one that will be sure to get a few smiles out of even the most straight faced of people!

Do you like karaoke? Do you get up and give a good song or two a good belting? What are your favorites to sing and are you any good?

Want to know what I think of people at Karaoke? Read the link and see if you agree.

Find answers here: What Makes You Great At Karaoke WebAnswers

Thursday 16 February 2012

Question Time. Is Destiny a Choice or Set In Stone?

Now and then I am going to add QT (Question Time) into this blog. A bit of light relief from having to read facts and figures all the time! And some fun along the way I hope as well! 

Do you believe that your destiny is preset and is going to happen whatever you do in life? Or do you believe that you have the power to write your destiny each and every day you are on earth?

There are many thoughts about it and there are some that do not even believe that there is the possibility of anything being preset before birth. 

And how does money come into this? Do you believe that all our careers were written before we were born? That we are here to add something special that only we can to the world? Or is it all just a lot of chance and luck? 

Wednesday 15 February 2012

How Much Have You Earned From WebAnswers?

I joined WebAnswers last year and was doing really but then life got in the way and I let it slide and it took a back seat to my other priorities. But in this time I have still earned money from the questions and answers I had already done on this site! Brilliant! I love sites where after the initial effort to do the work, you can reap the rewards for many months and years to come.

So how much have I earned so far? My best month last year saw me earning around £80 and that was with very little effort on my part and I had not answered thousands of questions either like some have on the site. My earnings have gone down since I have not been active on WebAnswers but I am still earning some money from there which prompted me to come back to this line of work. My earnings this year have been under the £30 mark, one month well under but with just being back on the site a few days it is starting to go back up again. There are people on there earning into the hundreds every month, that's where I am aiming!

So how much do you earn? What would you like to earn and what other sites are you active on as well?